Pickleball Scoring Guide

Pickleball Scoring Guide

Pickleball has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, captivating players of all ages and skill levels. To fully enjoy this fast-paced and exciting sport, it's essential to understand the scoring system. In this guide, we will explain pickleball scoring, so you can confidently play and enjoy exciting matches on the court.

Basic Pickleball Scoring:

Pickleball follows a simple scoring system. Players typically play games to 11 points and must win by a margin of two points.

Each time a team wins a rally, they earn a point. The server keeps serving until it commits a fault. The first team to reach 11 points with a two-point advantage wins the game.

Pickleball Scoring Guide


Serving Regulations

1. The server must stand behind the baseline and serve at a diagonal angle

inside the opponent's teeing area. (blue area service area)

2. The server must serve with a low hand, and the hitting point cannot be higher than the waist


3. The server will always serve from the right side, and only once

The right to serve, if the serve fails, the teammate (in doubles) will serve


Double rebound regulation

Both the server and the receiver must hit at least one bounce

You can only volley the ball, otherwise, the judges will consider it a mistake. That is to say

After serving the ball, you must wait for the ball to bounce off the ground before hitting the ball twice.

Do not hit the ball directly in the air.

Interception regulations

Non-volley zone: Non-Volley-Zone, also known as Kitcheno

(Yellow area) refers to the area between the net and the first white line (inclusive).

The area between, if the player before and after the volley because of the hitting action

cause the body or racket to touch the area (including the white line), it is

considered a foul.

Players from both sides can no longer stand or step into the non-volley zone to volley.

There are no restrictions on off-site and other areas.

Points and Scoring Methods:

Players can win or lose points in pickleball through various scoring methods.

a. Side Out: If the serving team commits a fault, fails to return the ball legally, or hits the ball into the net, it results in a side out. The serving team loses the serve, and the opposing team gains the opportunity to serve.

b. Rally Scoring: Unlike traditional scoring systems, pickleball employs rally scoring, which means that every point matters. Both serving and receiving teams have the opportunity to score on each rally, regardless of which team served.

Players cannot hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce while they are in the non-volley zone. If a player violates this rule, their team loses the point, resulting in a side-out.

Game Formats and Scoring Variations:

Players can play pickleball in various formats, each with its unique scoring variations.

a. Singles: In singles play, one player faces off against another player. The scoring remains the same as in doubles play.

b. Doubles: Doubles play involves two teams of two players each. The serving and scoring rules are the same, but players must follow the rotation pattern after winning a rally.

Some tournaments or casual matches use the 15-Point Game format, even though most games play to 11 points. The game ends when one team reaches 15 points and is leading by at least two points. However, the concept and scoring rules remain unchanged.

Pickleball Scoring Guide



Understanding the intricacies of pickleball scoring is essential to fully enjoy and engage in competitive matches. By following the basic rules, serving correctly, and grasping the scoring methods, you can confidently participate in exhilarating pickleball games.

This guide helps beginners and experienced players understand the scoring system in pickleball. Get your paddle, go to the court, and start a fun pickleball journey with the skills to score points and win.

Pickleball is about having fun and making friends, not just winning. Enjoy the game, embrace the competition, and cherish the time on the court!

Pickleball Necessities

Four Pickleball Paddles + Four Pickleballs + 1 Court Bag

Aucip provides everything you need to get started with pickleball. Grab an Aucip Set today!

Happy pickleball playing!!!

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